Art. 2 of the New Civil Code, as amended by EO 200
ART. 2, NCC; EFFECTIVITY OF LAWS; General Rule: · Laws shall take effect after 15 days · following the completion of their publication either in the o in the Official Gazette, or o in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines, Exception: · unless it is otherwise provided. (Solely refers to the 15-day period and not to the req. of publication. Publication under EO 292 (Administrative Code) Sec. 18. When Laws Take Effect. [ [1] ] Laws shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following the completion of their publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation, unless it is otherwise provided. Sec. 24. Contents. [ [2] ] There shall be published in the Official Gazette all legislative acts and resolutions of a public nature; all executive and admin...